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ABOUT THIS PAGE: Not always a project requires all the steps of the process, because many times the client just needs a quick idea for a certain session of their app/website. Below I show some suggestions and essays that I did in a more "casual" way, just focusing on communication and UI concepts. Depending on the case, I don't even prototype, I just present a PDF with the explanatory images, made with graphic and non-UX software (Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop itself).

FOLLOWING PROJECTS:  Playground  |  Trix  |  Pets Etc.


Project done for an e-commerce trial, in mobile version. The briefing asked for the creation of any concept, as long as it presented the following structure: HEADER (burger menu, logo, search bar, bag/cart); SIDE MENU (list of store categories); MAIN BANNER (carousel with placeholder images); ADVANTAGE BAR (minimum of four); NEWS (product shelf); MIDDLE BANNER (at least two with a free theme); PROMOTIONS (minimum of four products); END BANNER (only one placeholder); NEWSLETTER REGISTRATION (name, email and send button); FOOTER (other pages and social networks).

This project was made from scratch, i.e., I chose the theme (toys), created the store's name, its branding, its communication banners and I made the prototype according to the briefing order. For this, the programs Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop and XD were used. The photos I picked randomly from Google.

Watch the video on Youtube: LINK
Control yourself the navigation of this prototype, on XD: LINK


In this case it was requested a study of images that would illustrate the product's explanation menu. The three themes were: DIGITAL ACCOUNT; OUR PORTFOLIOS; and ANALYST TEAM. In addition to this menu, two more images were also made for the "your task was successfully completed" screens. I then presented the company with three different concepts (for each group of five screens): The first, I focused on "all type", i.e. text only - I looked for words related to the theme and arranged them graphically. The second, I deconstructed the company logo, using its "walls" and colors to insert an iconography that made sense with each menu item. And finally, the third option was based on photographs (all from free image banks). As for the texts, I also modified them to better fit the new pictures.

Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and in this case Figma were used. CLICK HERE to see the PDF of the presentation delivered to the client (in Portuguese only).

All Type Solution:

Icons Solution:

Photos Solution:


This mini project is purely academic, it was made for Google's UX course, focusing on the screen layout, color palette, typography and iconography of the app.

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