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SUMMARY OF ACTIVITIES: Graphic project, image search / creation, iconography, photo processing, animations, transitions, charts design and templates.

FOLLOWING PROJECTS:  Telesys  |  Zissou  |  Valor Pessoal  |  Miscellaneous


Telesys (formerly Tele System) is a technology company that offers solutions for audio and video systems in large environments.It is also a partner of start-ups such as Poli Start, TecSys, and HotelTech, focusing on the same businesses for different market niches. Several service and product showcase presentations were developed.


Several presentations were developed for demonstrations to partners and associates, but all confidential - below are just a few generic screenshots, used to advertise the company's products.


A company focused on people management, serving large multi-nationals in the Human Resources and Training departments. In 2005, several course modules were developed to be used in the classes offered by Valor Pessoal - besides the design and image research, I also created the overall communication concept for the pieces - this client specifically requested large fonts, as their target audience were older executives, often with difficulty seeing.


Compilation of several clients, for whom it was developed visual concepts and desktop publishing for their presentations.

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